Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss may develop gradually over time or come unexpectedly and may be indicated by one or more symptoms. Here are a few signs to look out for if you suspect you have hearing loss:

Difficulty hearing in background noise:

You have difficulty hearing people in noisy environments such as restaurants, shopping centres etc.

Difficulty following conversations:

Finding it difficult to hear or understand conversations with more than two people.

People seem to mumble:

Occasionally thinking others are mumbling or speaking too softly.

Phone conversations are not clear:

You have trouble understanding people over the phone.

TV is too loud:

Frequently being told by family or friends that your TV is too loud.

Avoid social settings:

You avoid social engagements due to communication issues or get tired easily after activities.

Misinterpreting Speech:

You misinterpret speech and ask them to repeat themselves.

Trouble Hearing from Distance:

It's hard to hear people from distance or when you can't see their faces.